I would really like some insight as to what is happening here, why, and if we can prevent it.
We have jobs for a finished product that use 2 materials: a stick of lumber, and a strip of laminate.
When these jobs are initially created, everything looks right with regards to materials, and required qty (This job is for 100 pcs).
We batch similar jobs together (Same operation, same stick of lumber, but different colors of laminate)
One of the materials of the batched jobs is the same, the lumber, but the laminate parts will always all be different.
When we batch jobs together, Epicor is calculating a new Qty/Parent for each material required for the newly created job.
The calculation is (Original Required Quantity from single line job / Total Number of parts in newly created job)
In this example, I batched 4 jobs together, for 4 different parts, each requiring a different laminate part, which had quantities of 400, 300, 200, 100, so the newly created batched job had a total quantity of 1000. The initial required quantity for RSN-1-526 was 410. 410/1000 = .41
I am only able to include 1 screenshot because I am a new user , but I wanted to show the newly calculated QTY/Parent for RSN-1-526 is .41 instead of 4.1.
This holds true for each material in the job. they all have a new QTY/Parent based on the formula.
If we make a change to the job, and save it, (editing the make to stock qty on one of the lines, for example) Epicor will use the new Qty/Parent value to calculate a new Required Qty value for each material.
In this example I changed the qty of the last line from 400 to 350. I still need to make 100 of part number SN01-526, which still requires 410 ft of RSN-1-526, but now Epicor indicates I only require 389.5 ft. This is 950*.41 or The new total quantity for the job * quantity per parent.
I assume this is working as intended, but it’s not what we want. Do we need to change our workflow or can I prevent these recalculations from happening and preserve the Qty/Parent and required quantities from the original jobs before they are batched together?