Better Field Security Management

The original reason for the creation of this screen was to help me create some read only access to the BAQ Designer screen for one of my users. I wanted to enable one of my current Power Users with access to the tables so she could better do her job, without having to much access to anything she didn’t need. After seeing some need in the community I expanded upon it to work in a variety of ways.

This is not an official Epicor product and is to be used AT YOUR OWN RISK. I will not be responsible for any damages, security clearance issues this could cause, or anything else… Test the solution thoroughly before trusting some guy on the internet.

Download here:

Power User Data Access

Restrict ALL access to ALL fields for a specific user or group. ERP Tables, UD Tables, and UDCodes. Any other tables will have to be done via the DMT portion at the bottom.

  • Allow Read Only access to specific tables for a specific user or group

  1. Provide a user or security group ID

  2. Clicking the Load Fields button will load all current fields that do NOT have field security set on them.

  3. You can then click the Hide All Fields button to restrict access to all fields. This will take a considerable amount of time so be patient. 61 thousand fields to be exact

  4. After all access has been restricted, you can start whitelisting table over on the right. Click the Find Tables to show all tables in all schemas to provision read only access to. Be careful with the Ice tables you lock down.

  5. Select the tables you would like to all for the user/group. Click the Allow Table Access. Read Only access is given back.

Download Field Security Data

There is currently no DMT template for field security management. So for the time being i created something to simulate it. You can download just the template file, have prepopulated data by user/group, and even by table.

Download Template by Table shares the same grid for provisioning read only access to tables. Just click Find Tables and check the fields you would like to download into your template. Click Download.

Upload Field Security Data

  1. Once you have your csv template ready, click the Load Template button

  2. Validate your data with Validate

  3. Click Process

That’s it. I’ll likely make any adjustments to this program as necessary if anyone else starts using it and notices issues. But making no promises to updates. Again use at your own risk. Code is likely super inefficient, but I have definitely overspent my time on this from my original need. Hopefully this is helpful to others. Cheers

P.S. This started out as easy place to write code, then turned into a program. In hindsight this screen should have been a customization to the Field Security Maintenance screen for convenience.



Fixed issue that prevented a user from opening any screens if field security was set to None on fields in the TaxSvcConfig table. Apparently every screen looks at this table when you open it.

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