Boolen parameter in BAQ default value not setting

Has anyone else ever noticed that the query parameters for bit will not fill in the default value correctly? I set this one up, and the default should be a checked box right?

But when I run the query, the box is not checked.

And what’s more, the value that is defaulted is a string, I’m guessing it’s “yes” which doesn’t translate to a Boolean.

The workaround is to check or check/uncheck the box, to get the value to work, but it shouldn’t be like that right?

If I check, then uncheck the box, it will return my list just fine.

Have you tried the default value as “true” instead of “yes”?

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It’s a drop down, there is no option to type anything in.

She meant in the Parameters Configuration there you have Default Value: yes, maybe change it to true

Isn’t there an option about allowing Null? (Its on the right side of the form - cropped off in your screen shot)

And what would the “Mandatory” setting do?

And this looks like a uBAQ Do you see the same in the deployed version?

@hkeric.wci, can you type something in your system?

No, but I see now where you are coming from… it doesnt matter if you put yes or no as a default it always uses “null” or nothing at all and unless you check it and uncheck it, it doesnt work.

If you uncheck mandatory it thinks its a string.

It does NOT set the yes or no as a default, and it thinks its a null

Oddly enough its not even a null, but seem to be literally nothing – can’t even get it to work in various expressions.

Must be an Epicor Bug. The only thing I can think of as a workaround is you make a calculated field and do a CASE and set it to ‘Y’ or ‘N’ and then use a Dropdown where user selects “Yes” or “No”, or a Radio Button.

#Bug ? @Dmitry_Kashulin
10.2.300.17 here


Just an update in case anyone happens to come across this thread in the future. I was able to get around this by typing in the Default Value as “true” in the List tab rather than from the dropdown in the Detail tab.

This has the effect of clearing the Default Value on the Detail tab, but it actually works in setting the default value when you run the query.


Hope that helps any other frustrated consultants out there!


For reference, this seems to be fixed on 10.2.600.18+.

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