Has anyone else ever noticed that the query parameters for bit will not fill in the default value correctly? I set this one up, and the default should be a checked box right?
No, but I see now where you are coming from… it doesnt matter if you put yes or no as a default it always uses “null” or nothing at all and unless you check it and uncheck it, it doesnt work.
Must be an Epicor Bug. The only thing I can think of as a workaround is you make a calculated field and do a CASE and set it to ‘Y’ or ‘N’ and then use a Dropdown where user selects “Yes” or “No”, or a Radio Button.
Just an update in case anyone happens to come across this thread in the future. I was able to get around this by typing in the Default Value as “true” in the List tab rather than from the dropdown in the Detail tab.