BPM and Part Tran

Good day, I would like to know how a BPM that will create the inventory from a UD table. I have the partnum the lotnum the quantity in the UD table. Is it possible to do such a BPM.

I think this should be possible. You will also have to define the warehouse code, and bin number. You could either do this as additional fields in your UD table, or set them as parameters for all the parts in the UD table.

You should turn on tracing, and trace the act of adding a part to inventory. The trace will return the list of business objects and methods used to create the inventory. This could be as simple as one or two methods, but often if much more involved. Once you know the methods that are required, use them as an outline to create your BPM.

If you can get that far, post back with any issues you are having, and an example. Ideally with your BAQ/BPM attached.

Good luck!

Thanks for the advise