BPM Async Process vs. Global Alerts/Email Server Process

Thanks Vic

>>I prefer creating my alerts in 4GL and using the "run SendEmail" instead of using Global Alert
Yes, I might as well review the all the alerts too.
The system currently includes a mix of BAMs/.p programs, BPM/templates and BPM/4GL


Anyone have comments to share on BPM Async Process vs. Global Alerts/Email Server Process (E9.05)?

I'm starting to compare on a test system.

After I switched to BPM Async Process and rebooted on the test server, several old alerts were emailed.
Wondering where I could look for E9 email alerts that might be stuck/queued?

The reason I'm reviewing this is because I see random alert failures.

I've been wondering if it is a timeout issue & maybe async might help.

Started happening after the email server was chaged to a remote location last year - (Office365).



Bruce, if you use the BPM Async process to process your 4GL BPMs  ("run SendEmail" ) then the log to look at is in your Epicor\EpicWork folder and should be called "epicor-smtp-log.txt".


All of your Global Alerts that are emailed are stored in a different log in the same path aforementioned but the file name is:Â "GlobalAlertsEmail.log".


I prefer creating my alerts in 4GL and using the "run SendEmail" instead of using Global Alerts as they're not very customizable and very rudimentary.





From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2014 1:37 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] BPM Async Process vs. Global Alerts/Email Server Process





Anyone have comments to share on BPM Async Process vs. Global Alerts/Email Server Process (E9.05)?


I'm starting to compare on a test system.

After I switched to BPM Async Process and rebooted on the test server, several old alerts were emailed.
Wondering where I could look for E9 email alerts that might be stuck/queued?


The reason I'm reviewing this is because I see random alert failures.

I've been wondering if it is a timeout issue & maybe async might help.

Started happening after the email server was chaged to a remote location last year - (Office365).




