I got a request to have an automatic email sent to the project manager when a payment or deposit is received on their specific orders. The PM is set to the order with a UD field, and I had to create two standard-type data directives. One on CashHead (for deposits) and the other on CashDtl (for invoice payments).
There’s not much filtering available within the CashHead or CashDtl table, so the BPM’s would run frequently, and we don’t want to slow down Epicor any more (it’d run 100-250x a day). It’s looking outside to the OrderHed and Customer tables with the Tim Shoemaker single line C# code block.
With a data directive type of Standard (not In-Trans), am I correct that it runs after the data is committed, and shouldn’t impact performance?
How do I see the impact (in ms?) of what this BPM ‘costs’? A trace with BPM logging turned on didn’t show anything specific to data directives…