BPM issue

Having issue with simple BPM that required part class to not be blank before saving
See error - this seems simple
thanks for the help

Sometimes string.Empty will work in an expression I almost always do constants with quotes or single quotes depending on what makes Epicor happy.

I would add on a conditional that checks that there are rows in ds.Part Although it seems there always would be, if you have something updating PartPlant and not Part it will pass through Part.Update but there will be no rows in ds.Part

I had something similar happen to me before and adding the conditional to check that there are rows in ds.Part fixed it for me.

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Couldn’t you just accomplish this with Extended Properties?

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Could also be the BO you’re using. I typically see this type of check being done on PartUpdate.


I think you can do this on Field Security also.

Maybe limit creating BPMs for when Epicor does not have sufficient built in functionality for what you are trying to accomplish?

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Not everyone is in the same place on the learning curve. People will use the hammer if it’s familiar. Guilty of it myself. I hang out here to get schooled.


Me too. We should strive to avoid it when possible though.

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Loved that post from @timshuwy!