Yes I did. Thanks.
d, 9/3/08, bdmang_83 <brian.mangan@...> wrote:
From: bdmang_83 <brian.mangan@...>
Subject: [Vantage] Re: BPM newbie trying to raise exception in MES when materials not issued
Date: Wednesday, September 3, 2008, 9:37 AM
Did you select the enabled checkbox on your directive?
--- In vantage@yahoogroups .com, Ahmet Erispaha <ahmeterispaha@ ...>
an operation that has required materials which have not been issued
in Vantage.
LaborDtl rows that are tied to operations which have materials
required but not issued. I had to create my own Field Relations
between LaborDtl and JobMtl. It works and returns the data that I'd
expect.  I'd be glad to send the BAQ Export offline if anyone wants
to take a look.
LaborDtl.AssemblySe q = JobMtl.AssemblySeq and LaborDtl.OprSeq =
JobMtl.RelatedOpera tion) no-lock , each JobHead where (Â
JobHead.JobClosed = False) and (LaborDtl.Company = JobHead.Company
and LaborDtl.JobNum = JobHead.JobNum) no-lock
above (modified to reference ttLaborDtl). Here's the query modified
for the Method Directive condition:
that I'm expecting.
d, 9/3/08, bdmang_83 <brian.mangan@...> wrote:
From: bdmang_83 <brian.mangan@...>
Subject: [Vantage] Re: BPM newbie trying to raise exception in MES when materials not issued
Date: Wednesday, September 3, 2008, 9:37 AM
Did you select the enabled checkbox on your directive?
--- In vantage@yahoogroups .com, Ahmet Erispaha <ahmeterispaha@ ...>
>employee clicks OK on the Start Production Activity screen in MES for
> Hi All,
> Â
> I'm trying to write a BPM that raises an exception when a shop
an operation that has required materials which have not been issued
in Vantage.
> Â4GL syntax, I developed a BAQ in Vantage which gives me a list of
> Here's what I have done so far:
> 1) To understand the data and build a query phrase with the correct
LaborDtl rows that are tied to operations which have materials
required but not issued. I had to create my own Field Relations
between LaborDtl and JobMtl. It works and returns the data that I'd
expect.  I'd be glad to send the BAQ Export offline if anyone wants
to take a look.
> ÂJobMtl.Company and LaborDtl.JobNum = JobMtl.JobNum and
> Here is the Query Phrase that Vantage built:
> Â
> for each LaborDtl no-lock , each JobMtl where (Â JobMtl.RequiredQty
> 0 ANDÂ JobMtl.IssuedQty <= 0) and (LaborDtl.Company =
LaborDtl.AssemblySe q = JobMtl.AssemblySeq and LaborDtl.OprSeq =
JobMtl.RelatedOpera tion) no-lock , each JobHead where (Â
JobHead.JobClosed = False) and (LaborDtl.Company = JobHead.Company
and LaborDtl.JobNum = JobHead.JobNum) no-lock
> Âdesigned query is not less than 1" condition using the query phrase
> Â
> 2) I created a Method Directive with a "number of rows in the
above (modified to reference ttLaborDtl). Here's the query modified
for the Method Directive condition:
> ÂttLaborDtl.RowMod = 'A') , each JobMtl where (Â JobMtl.RequiredQty >
> for each ttLaborDtl where (ttLaborDtl. RowMod = 'U' or
> Â ANDÂ JobMtl.IssuedQty <= 0)the designed template".
> Â and (ttLaborDtl. Company = JobMtl.Company
> Â and ttLaborDtl.JobNum = JobMtl.JobNum
> Â ) no-lock ,
> each JobHead where (Â JobHead.JobClosed = False)
> Â and (ttLaborDtl. Company = JobHead.Company
> Â and ttLaborDtl.JobNum = JobHead.JobNum) no-lock
> Â
> The Check Query button says the Query is OK.Â
> Â
> The action for the Method Directive is "raise exception based on
> Ârequired materials but none issued, I don't get the popup message
> 3) When I Log in to MES and test this with a job/operation that has
that I'm expecting.
> Âwelcome.
> Any suggestions as to where I'm going wrong with this would be most
> Â[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> Many thanks,
> Â Ahmet Erispaha
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]