C# External app.remove job materials Api call?

How to remove a material or ass’y from job entry data set using mfg.bo calls ? Can I just call delete() on the data row and update() the job data set ?

Do a trace in Epicor and follow it

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I have done so, and that appears to be the only call to the BO. Am I missing something ?

The trace returns :

   <localTime>1/14/2022 11:50:34:3427923 AM</localTime>
   	<parameter name='cc' type='Epicor.Mfg.Core.CallContext.CallContextDataSet' ><CallContextDataSet xmlns="http://www.epicor.com/Mfg/100/BO.CallContext/CallContextDataSet">
   <RowIdent />
   	<parameter name='ds' type='JobEntryDataSet' ><JobEntryDataSet xmlns="http://www.epicor.com/Mfg/100/BO.JobEntry/JobEntry" /></parameter>
   	<returnParameter name='ds' type='JobEntryDataSet' ><JobEntryDataSet xmlns="http://www.epicor.com/Mfg/100/BO.JobEntry/JobEntry" /></returnParameter>
   	<paramDataSet name='cc' useDataSetNbr='0' >
   	<paramDataSet name='ds' useDataSetNbr='0' >
   		<deletedRow tableName='JobMtl' rowState='Deleted' rowNum='2'/>

I updated it for you, but if you don’t want the post to panic seeing “HTMLish” tags you have to wrap this stuff in Syntax Highlighting or it doesn’t show anything in your post.

Thank you.

BO is Update and if you’re removing an item then set your rowmod parameter to “D” I believe