Caesar Development


If you're out there, give me a call at home office. If you don't
have that number, respond to this email and I'll reply.

If you call my on-site number, please leave a method of contact!

This is important!

We are having problems with the multiform tool from Caesar Development
and/or Crystal since upgrading Vantage this last weekend. I applied the
Vantage 5.20.317 patch (went from 5.20.213) and since then we have had
intermittent trouble printing pack slips (and possibly other forms although
I haven't heard any yet). I re-applied Multiform700.exe followed by
Multiform701.exe to the Vantage server and also re-applied
cdsclientv5110.exe to all of the clients. The user is able to select the
from that they want but sometimes when they click the print button to print
the form, it doesn't respond and sometimes when they do a print preview, it
just flashes before going to a blank screen. I've left some messages with
Mark at Caesar but haven't heard back from him. Just checking to see if
anyone else had run into this and might have a solution while I wait to here
back from him. It's causing some real problems for us.

Tim Goertz

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]