Calculated field

The output of Checkhed.Date is 2018, I just want 18.

I am trying update an E9 calc field.

ltrim(convert(varchar, datepart(year, CheckHed.CheckDate)), ‘20’) is giving me an error. If I remove the , ‘20’ it returns 2018

Drop the ltrim and try yy instead of year

Or it might be YY, I forget.

ltrim is just for leading spaces.

convert(varchar, datepart(yy, CheckHed.CheckDate)) still gives me 2018

Sorry, drop the convert also.


Let me back up now since I am having issues.

Individually I broke down 09/22/2018; MM , DD, YY for syntax testing.
Here is the convert code from E9 to E10

convert(varchar, datepart(month, CheckHed.CheckDate)) + ‘/’ + convert(varchar, datepart(day, CheckHed.CheckDate)) + ‘/’ + left-TRIM(convert(varchar, datepart(year, CheckHed.CheckDate)),‘20’)

The bold is what I am trying to fix. The above in E9 change 9/22/2018 into 9/22/18

Hopefully someone can shed some light on this. Left-Trim should change to ltrim, but then I cant use the ‘20’ anymore.

so I need to convert my Checkdate (YYYY) to a string to add it to MM/DD/YY.

Try this.


There’s probably a better way to do it, but I think it works.

Ltrim is just of trimming white space.

LEFT is the command you want.

Correction, I think it’s RIGHT.

Thanks! Also saving the link reference.

convert(varchar, datepart(month, CheckHed.CheckDate)) + ‘/’ + convert(varchar, datepart(day, CheckHed.CheckDate)) + ‘/’ + substring(convert(varchar,datepart(year,CheckHed.CheckDate)),3,2)


You can also just use Format(field,‘dd/mm/yy’)

Or something close to that. You don’t need to break up the field if you don’t want to.

Format(CheckHed.Checkdate, ‘MM/dd/yy’) I tried mm but it gave me a 00 value I need to talk to the bank to see if 09 is acceptable or do I need the 9 only. Thanks. Much less complicated.

mm is minutes.

What if you try M/d/yy?

Yes, try “M”. There are all sorts of settings for the date formatting that I cannot remember them all.