Call Logs Sometimes Disappear from Quotes

Hi guys,

I’ve had 2 experiences sales users complain that random Call Logs would go missing after we upgraded to 10.2.300.7 last month.

Anyone else hear of something similar? Suggestions on where to start troubleshooting?


Call Logs can’t be deleted, so the chances are they’re still in the system somewhere.

At the risk of being too obvious, have they given you enough detail to be able to find at least one that’s gone missing and see what’s different about it?

Hi Daryl,

Thanks. I have a quote number, and made a BAQ to see what’s in the CRMCall table. It matches what I see in the Call Log. We’ll see if it’s PICNIC and was a note saved somewhere else, but the user thought it was on the quote.

Never a bad idea to put it back on the user … by definition things that aren’t there are tricky to find!