Can I know Sales order and Job order have relationship?
Do someone have steps or links for me to learn?
Can I know Sales order and Job order have relationship?
Do someone have steps or links for me to learn?
yes if the sales order is made to order. Within the job → new demand link → make to order.
SO details are written to the jobprod table
Thanks Paul. So that how can I view the sales order with the job information on the screen?
Thanks @syed2ibrahim. I use this relationship map can show the data.
Would you mind to share the main fields that can represent their relationship?
I guess, customer code, customer name, sales order no, part no, sales order qty, how about order rel? JobProd may have product no(same as part no), produce qty?
Ibrahim’s BAQ shows the link…company, ordernum, orderline and orderrelnum.
Are you wanting a report/inquiry or just wanting to see the related job for a sales order if it exists or the related sales order for a job if it exists?
Thanks Paul
Use syed2ibrahim information, I can select all the fields, but I would like to see the relevant job associated with a sales order, and those fields should be meaningful.
On the other hand, I would like to know if one job can contain only one product for production, or if it can include more than one product?
ok then you would select the jobnum from the jobprod table…if a job number displays then there is a job/s linked to the sales order.
Yes a job can contain only one part to make, you are able to make more than one though of this part for the one job.
If you have the Advanced Production module, then your job can create ‘co-parts’ in addition to the main assembly being produced.
If your jobs are Make-to-Stock, you can still use Multi-Level Pegging to view what demand(s) MRP is relating to a supply (e.g., a job).
For a BAQ, the three relevant tables are:
Erp.PegDmdMst - what are the demands?
Erp.PegLink - what are the links between the demands and supplies?
Erp.PegSupMst - what are the supplies?