When our people log into MES and Report Quantity on a job they print a material tag. I believe in V9 if you printed a material tag from the Report Quantity - then the material tag was sent the current operation number, and if you printed a material tag from the “End Activity” button then it would print the next operation 20 or whatever the next operation was.
It looks like our system in V10 regardless of Report Quantity or “End Activity” is printing zero for the operation number (I don’t have a second operation). This is messing up my RDD because I have a number of joins to the JobMtl and JobOper tables that get broken because there is no operation to join on.
Has anyone run into this issue?
Epicor support is telling me this is a “custom programming group” issue
I am wondering if I could get around this with a BPM?
Any help would be greatly appreciated - this seems like a bug to me - why wouldn’t you print the current operation when reporting a quantity?
It looks like if there are multiple operations - then the report quantity will print the next operation. However, if there is only one operation it prints 0.
We’ve run into the same issue and I had consulted with Epicor several times when we went from 8.03.409c to 9.05.701. In 8.03 Report Qty printed the current op and the next op and so did End activity. Epicor told us it was a customization issue when it quit working in E9. In the current op we ended up just putting in the text “No current information available at this time”. and in the next operation section the operation prints out just fine.
In End Activity we just get a blank because there is no next operation.
If you have found a way to get both the current op information and end next operation information, I would very interested in hearing how you managed it.