Can we just establish that I will never pick the right "Asset/Module" in EpicCare?

This guy:


I get an error opening Part Tracker. The correct answer was “Technical.”

Sure, I get it. I can see how that’s technical. (All my questions are; it’s not like I ask them “what’s a good pizza place?”)

But just save me the annoyance of picking one I guess.


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I just pick something that seems close and figure they can reassign. Too many options.

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Yeah and that’s the smart thing to do. I agonize over it for some reason. QA background in me wanting useful reason codes.

Oh, it’s annoys me to that I can’t pick the right category. As I want it to be filed with the right team. But the way it’s organized in EpirCare makes no sense.

I second this… the organization is wild.

And I’ve been told the opposite by guys in the Ice Tools group! They want it to get assigned to the group that owns the module, and if there are bugs, their developers will fix it. Even for stuff that seems like technical - Ice, App Studio bugs, etc… Seems like each module has their own ‘logic’ with how it interacts with our customization tools, and their developers fix it, not the framework guys.