Can you have one job that contains 2+ sub contract ops?

We are testing at the minute with two sub-c ops but we always see 2 jobs with the different sub ops.

The material passes fine between both jobs just looking for a nice to have in one job kinda thing.


This shouldn’t be a problem. We use multiple SC ops in a single job all the time. I don’t understand what your issue is.

Sounds like you have two part numbers.
You can eliminate the one part number for the first operation and just create a method for the last part which includes the first parts operation.

The second approach is make the first part a phantom BOM so it will pull in the material and operation into the first one without changing anything.

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Thanks Bruce. Looks like the different part numbers could be the issue.

Hi Nate,

Bruce just added an item which I omitted on the different part numbers in use.


Hi Bruce,

Thanks for the pointers. We have constructed all our BOMs based around the fact materials get transformed by an OP into another part so the thought of not doing that was alien to us. Now we’ve got a job produced via MRP with nest sub contract OPs.



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where i used to work (23 year ago), we had a part that was called a “Pin”… it was made out of wire that was straighted, cut to length, then had THREE outside processing steps to turn it into the finished product. The routing looked something like this:

  1. cut wire
  2. OP: Heat Treat
  3. Inspect
  4. OP: Gold Plate
  5. Inspect
  6. OP: Certify plating thickness
  7. Inspect (paperwork)
    8 put to stock

Nowhere along the way did the part number change. This was done all on one job. each Outside processing step just completed yet another step in the process (just like if it were done as an inside operation.

Thanks Tim. We’re reviewing some new ways of creating the methods. One where we don’t have to change the partnum and the other is not checking pull or plan as assembly. Glad to say we have jobs working and min on hand being honoured for child parts.