Cancel Update through Dialog Box

I’m currently using the BeforeToolClick method to perform some actions when the Save button is pressed. I have recently been asked to put a check in to make sure certain requirements are met before a save can be allowed. I’ve got everything set up with a basic Yes/No dialog box but the problem is I can’t seem to figure out how to cancel the update from here. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Can you post your code?

If I recall, you should be able to do something like:

args.Cancel = true;

Otherwise, you can go the BPM route. Set up a pre processing on the Update BO, call a BPM Data Form with a yes/no, then have a condition that checks the value of the button returned and raise an exception if necessary.

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Sure. As I said it’s literally just the basic Dialog Box code:

    	private void RcptToInvForm_BeforeToolClick(object sender, Ice.Lib.Framework.BeforeToolClickEventArgs args)

		case "SaveTool":
	 DialogResult dialogResult = EpiMessageBox.Show("Weight/Length is out of range. Continue?", "Continue", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
	 if ((dialogResult == DialogResult.No))
	 	//Cancel Save;
             //All the other code

In the BeforeAdapterMethod event on Update I could just use args.Cancel = true as @hmwillett suggested but ToolClickEventArgs does not seem to include a Cancel arg.

Are you hell bent on doing this through the UI?
With Kinetic out, I would recommend doing it through a BPM as that’s one less item you will have to manually upgrade.


It might be an enumeration instead of a property, I will need to take a look

I use the BeforeAdapterMethod to catch an Update event and cancel it after checking info.

that works.

I also use to catch those actions on the menu to perform other tasks:

private void baseToolbarsManager_ToolClick(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ToolClickEventArgs args)

But there is no cancel in the args.

What does your debugger indicates as value of dialogResult ?

Thanks to everyone for the replies. I found the following bit on another post and it seems to have done the trick to cancel the save:
args.Handled = true;