Cannot evaluate "nbrLaborHrs" as a number field

On the “Time and Expense Entry” form, there is a field within the Labor group known as “nbrLaborHrs” that binds to “LaborDtl.LaborHrs”.

I’m writing a very simple BPM in the workflow designer that merely evaluates that field as either containing a value that “is more than” zero, or not. If that field is more than zero, then throw a dialog message.

Here’s the field in question:

The BPM logic looks like this:

The evaluation does not seem to work when I change the field value to any number greater than zero - the warning dialog does not appear. Yet, if I apply the same logic to the “LaborDtl.LaborQty” field, the evaluation is made correctly and I receive the expected warning dialog.

Might I be using the wrong evaluation on the “LaborDtl.LaborHrs” field? (In other words, should the “the changed row” evaluation be something different, perhaps?)

Aside from the “LaborDtl.LaborQty” being a non-decimal field and the “LaborDtl.LaborHrs” being a decimal field - what might I be overlooking here?

What type of BPM and where are you putting it?

I made a in-transaction data bpm with the same condition and receive the message no problem.

Greetings, Dan.

The BPM was created as an In-Transaction, data directive for the “LaborDtl” table.

It may be a dumb question, but which direction are you going from your condition? I didn’t realize it when we first switched to E10 but left is true and right is false.