Cannot login - Epicor Cloud MT

Our users are getting the following error when trying to log in. I tried clearing the client cache. No good. Any ideas?


You’re not alone. We’re seeing it here too Evan.


Our users that are logged on are doing fine, but if you log out you cannot get back in.

Copy the startup icon and have them add the /skip or -skip to the end and they’ll be able to get back in. This is the version checking that’s hanging.

Thanks! Will anything harmful happen if I forget to remove that for everyone later?

What I did was created a new icon called “Epicor - Skip”. I zipped it up and emailed out to the users and had them expand it to their desktop. Once it’s working, I’ll have them delete it.

What’s happening is when the client logs in, it checks for a new sysconfig file in your tenant to see if there was a patch/upgrade. It can’t find the file. The “/skip” parameter tells the client not to check for an update and just logs in.

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Oh, to answer your question. They will get a version mismatch error if the client and server are out of sync but no harm will be done.


OK, good. That will jog my memory if I forget to revert any.

Not sure how to feel that I got help here right away and my urgent ticket has no response :thinking:

This appears to be an Azure issue at the moment. This fix came from the Cloud Team on the Public Cloud side. :expressionless:

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And we are now working without the /skip work-around.