Can't add material to a part on Quote Entry. UOM error

We are experiencing an error when we try to add a material to a part (see screenshot below) on a new quote. When we add the material and tell it the qty/parent is 1.0000, we try to save, we get this error:

Required Qty has a value 1.1025 EA, the UOM allows for 0 decimals.

We do not know where it is getting this “required Qty”. Does anyone have an idea how we can fix this?




Required Qty




D: Required Qty per ONE of the END ITEM. This is a system calculated field. Calculated as (Parent Required Qty X QtyPer). The parent qty is one if assemblySeq zero else (QuoteAsmbl.RequireQty) if AssemblySeq > 0.

I had to check allow decimals to allow for conversions in UOM Maintenance, but if this is an EA part then I would look at the Part UOM tab to be sure there wasn’t something odd there.

check your UOM, In EA the checkbox to allow decimals is not checked