Thanks Sean, that worked perfectly. I solved the issue, but had a bit of a loop around and when I changed it to your solution it worked perfectly.
--- In, "Sean McDaniel" <smcdanie@...> wrote:
> Hi Aaron,
> You need to be careful.
> I think you want Part -> PartCost -> PartQty
> What you might have is PartCost -> Part
> And PartQty -> Part.
> In this second situation you have two starting points for the query instead
> of the first one that has a single starting point.
> --Sean
> From: [] On Behalf Of
> tomrippity02
> Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 1:21 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Vantage] Can't connect two tables in query designer
> When I try to connect the PartCost, Part, and PartQty fields I get the error
> below. I have narrowed it down to a problem between partcost and partqty.
> How do I resolve this issue as they are essential to the report I am trying
> to write.
> "More than one root table detected."
> Aaron
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]