Capacity Planning PO inspections

Hi Guys,

We have a problem where raw material PO inspections and jobs operations inside our QC department share the same resource (time on the CMM) Is there any way to schedule jobs or at least figure out the total load without creating a job for every raw material?

The only solution we’ve come up with is adding inspection time fields to the raw material part masters and then using a BAQ to roll up the total load, but that solution feels clunky and doesn’t make use of Epicor’s capacity planning functions.

Has anyone else had this problem?


No need to create a job. Just have an Indirect code set up for them and have them log into that using the CMM as the resource. You will be able to capture all of the time you need.

Its a good point and not easy to control in the standard system, the only way I can think in standard is to have a job for every raw material that goes on the CMM. the trouble is, PO receipting is done by day and not minutes and seconds like the scheduling engine, also any PO that is overdue is considered to be coming in that day, so unless all the PO’s were updated with the due date, this would have consequences on the rest of your scheduling.

Possibly a dashboard, to show incoming PO’s that require a CMM check and the estimated time, and adjust the number of hours in the calendar for the CMM at least a week in advance.