Case Entry -Ease of use or another option?

Our company has not ever used Case Entry in the past for various reasons and IT was asked by some management level people to go over it, which we did. When we finished they had asked a number of questions and one of them being:

“What do other Epicor users use? Is Case Entry the best option or is Salesforce or another program a better option?”

What are other users experiences with Case Entry or what other options are viable and work?

Case Entry is used quite a bit for capturing customer feedback regarding quality issues, whether they are order related (i.e. wrong price) shipping related such as freight damage, wrong product ordered, and basic learnings from which a company can put together data to help reduce or eliminate sources of complaints in the future by publishing results within Case. If you go to the Actions menu you will see where a Case can be linked to RMA’s, Quotes, Sales Orders, Jobs, Field Service calls (if licensed) or a Case can simply be logged and closed with no further actions taken. Overall a good module for capturing cost of quality related issues

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