Change Suggestions - days of Supply - Expedite Logic


I have a part as per below with a minimum quantity of 290680 and days of supply set to 30 days.

There is a PO due on 08/21/2024, with an accompanying ‘Increase’ change suggestion.

Even when I look at the demand for the next 30 days from the PO due date as per the days of supply, I go no where near my minimum stock level.

I ran ‘Generate Suggestions’ in Suggestions mode, but it just stated

12:24:35 DoSuggestions - Process supply partdtl, Remaining Quantity:80000.00000000
12:24:35 DoSuggestions - Process supply partdtl, Part:019-197, Attribute Set:‘’, on Date:21/08/2024 00:00:00, Quantity:80000.00000000
12:24:35 DoSuggestions - Quantity is going to be changed to:127066.00000000
12:24:35 POChangeSuggestion
12:24:35 Creating PO change suggestion for PO:1036121/10/6 Rsn:I Date:21/08/2024 00:00:00 Quantity:127066.00000000

The change suggestions look OK with days of supply set to zero, but this is not a practical option for us.

Has anyone managed to crack the logic of change suggestions and days of supply?

