We need to change MOM’s materials frequently according to sales needs. One particularly difficult aspect is that when there are RM parts that need to be changed in multiple MOMs, we have to go into each Engineering Workbench to make the changes. When RM part number A needs to be changed to part number B, we have to go into all Engineering Workbenches that have that part number A and change it one by one.
Is there a good way to change part number on multiple MOMs at once?
I would appreciate your good ideas. Thank you.
Mass part replace/delete. This will replace the RM on every revision where it is used.
If you need it for only some of the revisions use DMT as @CSmith said
I didn’t know this feature existed. Very interesting.
This feature replaces/deletes all parts?
I read the Epicor Help and it says that it only replaces/deletes checked out part revisions. So, if I check out only the part revisions I want and then do this, wouldn’t I be able to get the result I want?
Is the DMT menu you mentioned the “Bill of Materials”? Sorry, but can you tell me how I should structure the template? Because I need to replace or delete materials, but my template seems to only have the ability to add.
DMT has Update and Delete when you run the process. I have not done BOMs in a long time so I don’t remember if you have to delete and then re-add the sequence or if you can just update. Try it in a test environment to see what works.
I know DMT has Delete, Add New, and Update. What I’m curious about is the Template builder. To replace a material, the part that needs to be replaced and the part that will be replaced must be in the template. But, in my template I only see that one field. So I was asking how I should structure my template to Replace.
Can I add fields that are not in the Template Builder? I thought I could only add fields that are in the Template Builder. So what should I name the new field so that the data is replaced?
First, try running a DMT set to “update”. For example, MtlSeq 20, use all existing data but change the MtlPartNum to the one you want. Hopefully this will “update” MtlSeq 20 to the desired Part.
If that doesn’t work, @gpayne is saying you may need two different DMT templates, using the same columns.
You would run one (set to delete) with the existing MtlSeq 20 data (for example). This would delete the existing MtlSeq20.
Then you would run a second DMT template (set to “Add”) with the new MtlSeq 20 data.
Although it could be written more clearly, the Mass Part Replace/Delete says that it will replace/delete component items on ALL parts, and “also” parts that are checked out.
It will do what you are looking for. Just be sure to test it in TEST or PILOT prior to doing it in LIVE.
Good! I used to think that both From/To were needed for Replace, but after hearing you say, it seems like only To is needed. I think From might not be needed if MtlSeq is the coordinate. I’ll have to try it.
I think creating two templates would be annoying for users.