I thought that Epicor had an Excel spreadsheet or something that you could enter your “from” version and your “to” version and see all changes made between. Am I making this up? If not, can someone point me in the right direction? I’ve searched EpicWeb without success.
I haven’t heard of that, but it would be slick!
You could do something similar by aggregating the excel change list spreadsheet from the release notes document on each major version.
That probably wouldn’t show new features, just bug fixes and improvements.
For the new features, similar - aggregate the ‘Here’s what’s new!’ news releases for each major version.
I’d love to see the end result, if you do end up doing it! We’ve been upgrading annually, and I’m sure there are new features from several versions ago that we’re not taking advantage of, and have forgotten about.
The Excel Spreadsheet is embedded in the Release Notes PDF. However, attachments only viewable if using Adobo Acrobat Reader and not Chrome nor Edge. There are some 3rd party tools that can extract it too but I have never tried any of them.
There is no “Show Between here and there” but you can enable a filter and choose the releases (and products) you want to view.