Changing Format on a customer field

I created the following BPM to bring AVG cost to a custom field

find first ttQuoteDtl where ttQuoteDtl.RowMod = “A” or ttQuoteDtl.RowMod = “U” exclusive-lock no-error.
if avail ttQuoteDtl then
find first PartCost where PartCost.Company = Cur-Comp and PartCost.PartNum = ttQuotedtl.PartNum no-lock no-error.
if avail PartCost then
ttQuotedtl.Number19 = (PartCost.AVGLaborCost + PartCost.AVGBurdenCost + PartCost.AVGMaterialCost + PartCost.AVGMtlBurCost + PartCost.AVGSubContCost).

It works fine but when I add the field to the Quote Screen it will not let me format to have comma’s.
I have tried adding with the extended properties and no luck

Thank you

Epcior 9

If you can’t change it there… have you tried changing the format in Extended Property Maintenance?

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Yes I tried it there also wit no luck. What is odd is a created a BAQ to double check my numbers and it formats correctly there.

@Edagar2 Welcome. You need to use a num field not a text field. Also change the field name from the generic epifield name to something meaningful like numAvgCost.

the num field will default to integer, but you can change that and the mask at the top of properties.

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