Changing server's domain and server's name (8.03 on Progress OE 10

Our company was recently acquired, and HQ wants to migrate all the data services to their central data center.  They've copied the current app server (located in our building), and created a VM ware instance of it in the data center. The OS in the VM instance was still on our original domain.  Testing shows it works fine running on their data center VM.

Now they want to have the server (the VM instance running Win Server) be part of their domain, and to change the server's name.

It looks like joining the new domain isn't going to be a problem, but renaming the server seems to be chockful of potential problems.

We've identified the settings in the App Server (via System Agent Maintenance), and in the client's configuration files (.mfgsys files in c:\client803\client\config\).

Any other things I need to consider?  Will changes to Progress be required via the Progress Explorer Tool?

Any advice is most welcome.
