in the menu table, the field "arguments" will have -ro if the form is read only.
From: jeff_o_h <jhanka@...>
Sent: Fri, August 6, 2010 8:20:38 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Check for Read-Only mode value used in Menu Maintenance
I have a Vantage 8 question regarding the Read Only check box value on the Menu
Maintenance screen.
I have a custom form that I use for maintaining and tracking data in a UD
table. I would like to be able to check to see if the Read Only value is ON.
Does anyone know how I can check for this value so that I can update form
titles, etc. according to the read only mode? I can not see any reference to it
in the customization Object Editor.
Thanks in Advance...
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in the menu table, the field "arguments" will have -ro if the form is read only.
From: jeff_o_h <jhanka@...>
Sent: Fri, August 6, 2010 8:20:38 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Check for Read-Only mode value used in Menu Maintenance
I have a Vantage 8 question regarding the Read Only check box value on the Menu
Maintenance screen.
I have a custom form that I use for maintaining and tracking data in a UD
table. I would like to be able to check to see if the Read Only value is ON.
Does anyone know how I can check for this value so that I can update form
titles, etc. according to the read only mode? I can not see any reference to it
in the customization Object Editor.
Thanks in Advance...
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