Check Part Conditions from Job Status Maintenance

Hello Everyone,

I am trying to display an information box in the Job Status Maintenance after we check Firm from the list. The information box is to show only if the field Character01 from Part contains data.

I posted a question about displaying a Pop-up window in the SalesOrder Maintenance not to long ago. I got a great solution from Linda. So I thought I'd do the same here but it doesn't seem to apply. So I hope I'll be as lucky once again.

What I need to do:

-User checks Firm from Job Status Maintenance List
-User saves action (maybe this doesn't have to happen)
-Get PartNumber for which job is created
-If PartNumber = Part.PartNum AND part.character01 <> '' then dispaly part.character01 else do nothing

The point would be to check for special conditions before making an MRP suggestion Firm. The special condition is stored in Character01 from Part

Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated.
