Checked the mail this morning... 🤣

Found one of those contest things from a car lot, almost tossed it.

Pulled the little tabs and won $1000 Visa gift card. :rofl: :tada:

I’ll have to drive 30 minutes and have some high pressure salesman try to get me to buy a car, but I think I’ll survive.



Pretty sure this will be the guy at the car dealership…

YARN | You found the fifth Golden Ticket. | Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (1971) | Video gifs by quotes | 5e8f1bf5 | ç´—


Did you read the fine print ? probably says

*Must buy car which we’ve valued at least 1K higher than actual gift card value


I did, I really won, no strings attached, except for them jerking me around for a while.

Not bad marketing, I won’t buy one today, but I’ll let them make their pitch, and I might be back !

What makes me a little miffed was they had the odds on there.

They had all of these for

$10k, $2.5k, $1k, $500

as odds of winning → 1:20,000

Then 19,996:20000 $5

I had the same odds to win $10k as I did $1k, damn it!

Technically, I guess I had a 25% chance out of 4:20000 of winning the big one, but whatever lol.

I’m not going to look a gift horse in the mouth though.

Are you sure that you didn’t win a “Chance” to win $1000? That’s what they do here, you get a scratch off that says “You have a chance to win a Billion dollars, come to the dealership to see if you’ve actually won!”. But they make it a lot more confusing than that.


taking the solution cause…