That's where the Try-Catch I mentioned comes in. Wrap it in up with that and
then handle the error yourself, create your new project or whatever you
then handle the error yourself, create your new project or whatever you
On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 8:55 AM, Ted Koch <tkoch77@...> wrote:
> **
> I tried this code in place of the other code I was using
> Dim oTrans_ProjectAdapter As ProjectAdapter = New
> ProjectAdapter(QuoteForm)
> oTrans_ProjectAdapter.BOConnect()
> Dim existsProject as boolean =
> oTrans_ProjectAdapter.GetByID(strProjectID)
> oTrans_ProjectAdapter.Dispose()
> This returns true for existsProject variable if the project exists, and
> also returns false if the project doesn't exist.
> But it never makes it past this part of code when debugging in Visual
> Studio,
> Dim existsProject as boolean = oTrans_ProjectAdapter.GetByID(strProjectID)
> It then goes down to the catch ex as exception and brings up a window
> saying Record not found.
> ________________________________
> From: Waffqle <waffqle@...>
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 8:29 AM
> Subject: Re: [Vantage] Checking if a project exists
> Do a GetByID and wrap it in a Try-Catch instead.
> On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 8:14 AM, tkoch77 <tkoch77@...> wrote:
> > **
> >
> >
> > I am trying to check if a project exists with some code on the Quote
> Entry
> > form. I use the CheckProjectID(projectID) method of the Quote Adapter,
> and I
> > am storing a boolean (true if it exists, false if it doesn't) to
> determine
> > what my code will perform next. This almost works how I want it to,
> except
> > if it encounters a project ID that doesn't exist it will pop up an Epicor
> > window telling me the Project ID is not valid, which I don't want because
> it
> > messes up the flow of the application. Does anyone know how I might
> suppress
> > this message Epicor is displaying, or a workaround to check for a project
> > ID? Here is the code I am currently using. Thanks.
> >
> > Dim strProjectID as String
> >
> > strProjectID = InputBox("Enter a Project ID", "Input Required")
> >
> > Dim oTrans_QuoteAdapter As QuoteAdapter
> > oTrans_QuoteAdapter = DirectCast(csm.TransAdaptersHT("oTrans_adapter"),
> > QuoteAdapter)
> >
> > Dim existsProject As Boolean =
> > oTrans_QuoteAdapter.CheckProjectID(strProjectID)
> >
> >
> >
> --
> *Waffqle Driggers*
> *High End Dev, System Design, Profit Drinking
> *
> *:: 904.962.2887*
> *:: waffqle@...*
> *:: NO FAXES*
> *
> *
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*Waffqle Driggers*
*High End Dev, System Design, Profit Drinking
*:: 904.962.2887*
*:: waffqle@...*
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