Classic Customization Broken 2024.1.8 & 2024.1.10

Opening Job receipt to salvage, which we have customized, get this every time:


Then the screen is all messed up.

Get this error if I try to go to customization mode:

Application Error

Exception caught in: Ice.Lib.EpiClientLib

Error Detail 
Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Program: Ice.Lib.EpiClientLib.dll
Method: FillCodeDictionary

Client Stack Trace 
   at Ice.Lib.Customization.CustomControlEventWizardPanel.FillCodeDictionary()
   at Ice.Lib.Customization.CustomControlEventWizardPanel.CustomControlEventWizardPanel_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)

Cleared cache and all that.

Any ideas?

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When I exit customization mode…

Application Error

Exception caught in: Ice.Lib.EpiClientLib

Error Detail 
Message: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: target
Program: Ice.Lib.EpiClientLib.dll
Method: CreateDesigner

Client Stack Trace 
   at Ice.Lib.Customization.Designers.DesignerFactory.CreateDesigner(Control target)
   at Ice.Lib.Customization.CustomSheetWizardPanel.CleanupObjects()
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Note, this is just one form that I’ve found this problem on so far.

Don’t know what the deal is.

Are you able to pull it up in Customization Maintenance and find anything in there?

Looks clean.

Was hoping there might be something showing in the Compile/Script Errors or Warning section.

Just wrap the whole thing in a try/catch and call it a day…

Not really certain. I might try the wrap it in a try / catch on your customization just to eliminate any errors in the whole thing. I assume you will still get the error as it looks like something more in depth than the customization itself. I could be completely wrong though, that happens a lot.

If you open the base version without the customization, are you getting the error still?

I must have looked at the validation wrong.

I know what’s wrong, but unsure of the best way to fix it.

This form has an embedded dashboard, and the tab it was on is gone for some reason.

Don’t imagine you have a copy of this customization on your test server you can export out and pull in.
Otherwise you might be stuck deleting the embedded dashboard and having to recreate the tab.

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The one in live works fine, pulling it in to pilot breaks it.

Same behavior before I deleted it too.

Not sure on the exact error message. But if the dashboard is embedded as a deployed assembly dashboard then try redeploying the dashboard from ‘Dashboard’ or ‘Dashboard Maintenance’. I have seen that cause errors on form load before.

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I’m not sure what happened, and I did check to make sure it was deployed after I figured out the breadcrumbs.

Still wouldn’t work even after deploy and reimport.

I ended up deleting all references to the tab and dashboard from the customization data.

It then opened correctly, and I added it back.

Saved an export for giggles, but have a feeling I’ll have to repeat this procedure after the upgrade next week.

Thank y’all for the support and rubber ducking.


Thanks for all the investigation you did, it saved me ton of time. I wonder how you figure out the problem was the embedded dashboard? I was getting the same error but it was really generic and it gave no information whatsoever. I did manage to solve it by redeploying the dashboard, I’ve seen differences between deploying it from Dashboard Maintenance vs Dashboard applications, I did the Dashboard app, Actions > Deploy and deployed it as classic and kinetic and it worked like a charm, did you try it like that as well?

Mostly intuition. Other than that I don’t know.

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lol that’s a good intuition then, I was about to re-build the customization from scratch

Me too!