Classic customization FileTransferSvcContract / GetService

Well you saved my day anyway, thanks for the point in the right direction! Where did you find the object the server download called? In the debug mode?

dnspy on the dlls

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Oh wait, I just looked at the references in server file download, and went from there.

I looked up the signatures in the files in dnspy.

For future peeps:

Files as reference:

  • Ice.Lib.FileTransfer.dll
  • Ice.Lib.IFileTransfer.dll
  • Ice.Contracts.Lib.FileTransfer.dll
Ice.Lib.FileTransfer fileHandler = new Ice.Lib.FileTransfer((Ice.Core.Session)oTrans.Session);
fileHandler.UploadFile("C:\\Test.txt", Epicor.ServiceModel.Utilities.SpecialFolder.UserData, "test.txt");

It has an overload that does.

Whatchoo got against bytes man? I generate a lot of data, so I am glad it’s there.

Nothing really, but I was saving all the byte data into a string and it crippled our UDCodes table. Probably should have had it into it’s own UD table but the underlying records were already there.

Will be easier to maintain for this instance being just path to path transfer in a single line though.

I just put it into our live environment - I confirmed it only needs 2 of those 3.

Ice.Lib.FileTransfer.dll and Ice.Lib.IFileTransfer.dll

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