Client always connects via https

I reinstalled my client on my computer, and am using the same .sysconfig that I was before.

No matter what I try, I’m connecting via https instead of net.tcp.

I use the same .sysconfig on my RDS server and that’s connecting via net.tcp.

Any ideas what I could check?

Isn’t the connection type based on the Binding in the App Configuration?

Is your computer logged into the domain, and not just “itself”? One of the most common issues that my users have, is that they can’t launch the client. Turns out that when they logged into the computer it was a local user, and not the domain user.

Also, is your computer on the network, or connected via a VPN?

It connects fine when I’m in “modern” or “classic”. It’s when I choose Active Home Page it uses https:

I only ever use Classic, so I can’t help you there…

Maybe I never noticed that it always uses https for active? Wouldn’t surprise me.

It kind of makes sense, since “Acive Home Page” is nothing more than a web page, and web browsers cannot use net.tcp endpoints…

Active home page is a web app it has to be https but your BO calls and screens will still be net.tcp