Closed P.O.'s populating on Time Phased Report in 9.04.506c

uncheck the received all in receipt entry for that particular PO.

--- In, "Dana Magnuson" <dana.magnuson@...> wrote:
> A few P.O.'s that were closed in the past are showing up on the Time Phase report as PS: #### and have a note in the Exception column saying Arrived Receipt. One of the P.O's that this keeps happening with we did re-open to re-receive the item because of an entry error. We don't know if this is why these P.O's are doing this and possibly we are not performing the entry error correction properly(we receive error item into inventory then Quantity Adjust it out, then re-open the PO and re-receive correctly). If anyone could please advise on how to get rid of these PO's that keep appearing and how to prevent this in the future? Thank you!
A few P.O.'s that were closed in the past are showing up on the Time Phase report as PS: #### and have a note in the Exception column saying Arrived Receipt. One of the P.O's that this keeps happening with we did re-open to re-receive the item because of an entry error. We don't know if this is why these P.O's are doing this and possibly we are not performing the entry error correction properly(we receive error item into inventory then Quantity Adjust it out, then re-open the PO and re-receive correctly). If anyone could please advise on how to get rid of these PO's that keep appearing and how to prevent this in the future? Thank you!