Closing list of PO's

I know that with DMT it can be done but unfortunately we don't have the tool.
BTW about how much is this tool?

Going manually is not really a option as I said we have about 800 po to close.

I'm just wondering why a call to the close method with the PO # will not work.


Ephraim Feldman

-----Original Message-----
From: "Bruce" <epicor@...>
Date: Tue, 07 Dec 2010 21:25:52
To: <>
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Closing list of PO's

If you have the DMT software - which is a great utility not just for implementations.
Create a template that has the Company, PO Number, and the Open fields.
Place "FALSE" in the Open field and run the DMT update routine.
Could be done in minutes.

If this needs to be done frequently, create a BAQ with these fields, and copy paste the BAQ results into a file that the DMT could upload.

If you don't have the DMT software -
Create a Dashboard that will list the PO's (based on some rule that you have setup), right click into the PO Entry to close the PO.

Hope that helps,

Bruce Larson
Senior Solution Architect
alternative Technology Partners

Web Site:

Cell: (763) 486-0030
Fax: (763) 447-3571
Email: bruce.larson@...

--- In, effgroups@... wrote:
> I have a list of almost 800 po's that need to be closed and I'm looking for a way to do it automatically.
> Anyone has a idea how to do it?
> I was thinking to put it in a UD table then run some process to call the close method.
> But I don't know how to do it. Any help would be appreciated.
> Ephraim Feldman

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I have a list of almost 800 po's that need to be closed and I'm looking for a way to do it automatically.

Anyone has a idea how to do it?

I was thinking to put it in a UD table then run some process to call the close method.
But I don't know how to do it. Any help would be appreciated.
Ephraim Feldman
I always cheat for that kind of problem, and use something like autohotkey or Kratronic's Mouse and Key Recorder to write a macro.

a carefully written macro mimics a human entry very well, only generally more reliably.


--- In, effgroups@... wrote:
> I have a list of almost 800 po's that need to be closed and I'm looking for a way to do it automatically.
> Anyone has a idea how to do it?
> I was thinking to put it in a UD table then run some process to call the close method.
> But I don't know how to do it. Any help would be appreciated.
> Ephraim Feldman
Good Day:

I second the idea of key stroke recording.

I have a programable keyboard, I got a complex entry down to two key
strokes - I had to make a decision in between.

Its great becaue it also records the [Shift] key and [fn] keys.



From: [] On Behalf
Of Kerry_Muntz
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2010 9:26 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Closing list of PO's

I always cheat for that kind of problem, and use something like
autohotkey or Kratronic's Mouse and Key Recorder to write a macro.

a carefully written macro mimics a human entry very well, only generally
more reliably.


--- In <> ,
effgroups@... wrote:
> I have a list of almost 800 po's that need to be closed and I'm
looking for a way to do it automatically.
> Anyone has a idea how to do it?
> I was thinking to put it in a UD table then run some process to call
the close method.
> But I don't know how to do it. Any help would be appreciated.
> Ephraim Feldman

This e-mail and any attachments may contain proprietary and/or confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail or at 410-472-2900 and then delete the message without using, disseminating, or copying this message or any portion thereof. With e-mail communications you are urged to protect against viruses.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I tried Creating a BPM on the UD39 table and run a action forward to
procedure and it still doesnt work.
I want to past all my PO numbers in the UD table and on update it should run
this. I tested and the procedure rund but the order doesnt close.

here is my procedure :

{Bpm/Bpm.i &OBJECT_NAME=UD39 }

procedure UpdateBefore:
define input-output parameter dataset for UD39DataSet.

define variable hPO as handle.

find first ttUD39 no-lock no-error.

/*Run PO object persistently to inherit standard capabilities*/


RUN GetByID in hPO (ttUD39.Number01,
{&output_dataset_PODataSet}) NO-ERROR.

/*Close Order*/

(ttUD39.Number01,{&output_dataset_PODataSet}) NO-ERROR.

/*Clean up*/
delete object hPO.


end procedure.

On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 9:18 PM, <effgroups@...> wrote:

> I have a list of almost 800 po's that need to be closed and I'm looking for
> a way to do it automatically.
> Anyone has a idea how to do it?
> I was thinking to put it in a UD table then run some process to call the
> close method.
> But I don't know how to do it. Any help would be appreciated.
> Ephraim Feldman

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
nice, programmable keyboard would be good... some decisions can be made with the the macros too - if it's going to be repeat work, then sometimes it's warranted. I've even 'embedded' certain activities into Vantage, as called programs (compiled Autohotkey), to fill in some of the gaps in the user experience.

--- In, "Len Hartka" <len.hartka@...> wrote:
> Good Day:
> I second the idea of key stroke recording.
> I have a programable keyboard, I got a complex entry down to two key
> strokes - I had to make a decision in between.
> Its great becaue it also records the [Shift] key and [fn] keys.
> len.hartka@...
> ________________________________
> From: [] On Behalf
> Of Kerry_Muntz
> Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2010 9:26 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Vantage] Re: Closing list of PO's
> I always cheat for that kind of problem, and use something like
> autohotkey or Kratronic's Mouse and Key Recorder to write a macro.
> a carefully written macro mimics a human entry very well, only generally
> more reliably.
> Kerry.
> --- In <> ,
> effgroups@ wrote:
> >
> > I have a list of almost 800 po's that need to be closed and I'm
> looking for a way to do it automatically.
> >
> > Anyone has a idea how to do it?
> >
> > I was thinking to put it in a UD table then run some process to call
> the close method.
> > But I don't know how to do it. Any help would be appreciated.
> > Ephraim Feldman
> >
> This e-mail and any attachments may contain proprietary and/or confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail or at 410-472-2900 and then delete the message without using, disseminating, or copying this message or any portion thereof. With e-mail communications you are urged to protect against viruses.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Figuring out the most efficient way to close all the open PO's is important, but I would put equal focus on finding the breakdown in your business process that resulted in 800 PO's not being correctly received or voided.

Virginia Joseph
Deeph Hole Specialists, LLC

--- In, effgroups@... wrote:
> I have a list of almost 800 po's that need to be closed and I'm looking for a way to do it automatically.
> Anyone has a idea how to do it?
> I was thinking to put it in a UD table then run some process to call the close method.
> But I don't know how to do it. Any help would be appreciated.
> Ephraim Feldman
Thanks Virginia.

But that is taken care of. It was due to lack of training and communication.
There always some discrepancy in receiving and some qty that remains open will never be received but it was no flagged at receiving time.

Ephraim Feldman

-----Original Message-----
From: "Virginia" <vjoseph@...>
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 2010 00:29:03
To: <>
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Closing list of PO's

Figuring out the most efficient way to close all the open PO's is important, but I would put equal focus on finding the breakdown in your business process that resulted in 800 PO's not being correctly received or voided.

Virginia Joseph
Deeph Hole Specialists, LLC

--- In, effgroups@... wrote:
> I have a list of almost 800 po's that need to be closed and I'm looking for a way to do it automatically.
> Anyone has a idea how to do it?
> I was thinking to put it in a UD table then run some process to call the close method.
> But I don't know how to do it. Any help would be appreciated.
> Ephraim Feldman

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
If you have the DMT software - which is a great utility not just for implementations.
Create a template that has the Company, PO Number, and the Open fields.
Place "FALSE" in the Open field and run the DMT update routine.
Could be done in minutes.

If this needs to be done frequently, create a BAQ with these fields, and copy paste the BAQ results into a file that the DMT could upload.

If you don't have the DMT software -
Create a Dashboard that will list the PO's (based on some rule that you have setup), right click into the PO Entry to close the PO.

Hope that helps,

Bruce Larson
Senior Solution Architect
alternative Technology Partners

Web Site:

Cell: (763) 486-0030
Fax: (763) 447-3571
Email: bruce.larson@...

--- In, effgroups@... wrote:
> I have a list of almost 800 po's that need to be closed and I'm looking for a way to do it automatically.
> Anyone has a idea how to do it?
> I was thinking to put it in a UD table then run some process to call the close method.
> But I don't know how to do it. Any help would be appreciated.
> Ephraim Feldman