Thanks Lisa,
These were the details I was already working from.
These were the details I was already working from.
--- In, "Lisa Kelepolo" <lkelepolo@...> wrote:
> Check out this article in the AnswerBook: #4492ESC Examples of setting
> up combo to display filtered data.
> Lisa Kelepolo
> Data Process Improvement, Database, & Reporting
> Electromech Technologies
> 316-941-0401
> please visit our website:
> <>
> ________________________________
> From: [] On Behalf
> Of Rupert
> Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2010 11:00 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Vantage] Combo Box Filters
> I know this has been in previous messages, but I can't seem to find
> exactly what I'm looking for!
> I need to filter the Combo box rows depending on a checkbox field within
> that table. The table in question is ReasonCode and when I set the
> Search Filter it always reverts back to the system default. If I create
> a new combi box it crashes the form.
> Is there another way of filtering within a combo box?
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]