Command Line DMT export of BAQ limited to 10,000 records


Someone out there might really find this useful:

I was told by Epicor support that when using DMT from the command line to export a BAQ, that it is limited to 10,000 records and that this is a hard-coded limitation. This caused a lot of extra work for me and Epicor created PRB0211812 to address the artificial limitation.

Well it turns out that this is not hard coded at all, but is a per-BAQ setting. Open your BAQ and go into: Actions > Execution Settings > Create a new setting > Use the dropdown to choose RemoveTestRowLimit and set it to True. Check the box to Persist in Query then save the BAQ and the issue is solved.

No more artificial limitations on DMT exporting BAQs!


I never even knew you could modify the Execution Settings! It looks like you can also do dirty reads!


You can put enter STATISTICS IO ON into the drop down but it doesn’t save it.

@Dmitry_Kashulin Any chance we could get STATISTICS IO and TIME added to the Execution Settings? You could then send the messages to the Query Execution Messages and that would be huge for quickly seeing table scans on a query.

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Correct this is not hardcoded - sorry that was misunderstood from the support team you spoke with. That should get written up know as a KB so others in the future will have the correct information.