Comparing ActuProdHours to Burden Hours

Our company is considering whether or not to spend $800,000 on purchasing a
new laser system. It's serious enough I want to make sure we're looking at
the correct data. We have a laser that can cut flat sheets of metal and cut
tubing. We're thinking that it spends most of it's time cutting tubing(which
is slower at cutting than a dedicated machine for cutting tubing).

The Operation Code for cutting tubing is "CAXIS", the Machine ID is "L001".
In the LaborDtl table I'm getting the total # of Burden hours for all
MachineID='L001'. From the JobOper table I'm getting the total for the
ActProdHours and ActSetupHours. I then use these to compare to the Burden
Hours for that machine.
Am I doing this right. It looks like we may have a lot of rework time
because the ActProdHours is greater than the Burden hours on a few months.
Are we looking at this the right way or we mining the information in the
wrong area.