I am working on a Kinetic product configurator with a series of combo boxes. Each combo box pulls its possible values using one or more dynamic lists. Most pull from lookup tables but some are static lists with only one value. They select their dynamic list and filter the lookup table based on previously selected values.
When values change the available values in the dropdown change correctly - however, if a value has already been selected it does not change. This leads to situations where a combo box has an invalid value selected, a value that is not available for selection.
How do I fix this? I thought the refresh dynamic list would automatically do it, but I’ve tried both the regular and async version and neither clear it out. Is there any way to check if a value is valid? The ValidList property does not seem to work for lookup table dynamic lists, only for static lists.
I could just clear out all later values when an earlier combo box is changed, but I’d really rather avoid clearing out values that are still valid and requiring users to re-enter them.
Would it be a problem for you to check if the current value is still valid after a change? That way, you’re clearing it when needed, but leaving it when you can.
That would be great, but I don’t see a way to do that - I tried using the ValidList property, but that looks to return an empty list for a lookup table dynamic list.
I could recreate the lookup logic I suppose and recheck it that way. It seems very difficult to maintain, but if it’s the only way it’s possible.
A refresh that results in the current value being invalid for the list after the refresh should cause the combo box to clear out. This was the standard behavior in classic and it would be a mess and serious loss of functionality if that was lost in Kinetic. There should be no need for additional coding to address this.
So if you have a combo box with shoe styles and one with sizes with sizes being dependent on style. Sneakers we offer in 8,9 and 10. Loafers we offer in 8 and 9 only. So if you pick Sneakers and size 10 and then change your mind and pick loafers then the size combo should clear out with a refresh on the Style field change event since 10 is not offered in Loafers.