Configurator Designer slows down after a few hours

A colleague and I are trying to figure out why his Configurator slows down near the end of the day. Clicking between page 5, 6, and 7 will cause a not responding, and take over 20 seconds to load.

We recycled the application pool in our test environment, and going in and out of Configurator Designer and clicking between page 5, 6, and 7 worked instantly.

Has anyone else seen this? Any pointers on where to look and how to optimize? Thanks in advance for any ideas.

When you say “designer” do you mean the screen to design a Configurator?

Or the screen that shows when configuring a configurable part (like in Order or Job entry)?

The screen to design a Configurator.

That kinda sounds like a memory leak if recycling the app pool instantly fixed it. Did you happen to check system performance before and after recycling the app pool?
Also, is it actually tied to the configurator designer? How does it perform at the end of the day if the designer hasn’t been used much (or at all) earlier?

By check system performance, can you be more specific? We looked at memory usage of the process. Is there another tool you are recommending we use?

We haven’t noticed any issues in our test environment until a few weeks ago. We are implementing the configurator within that environment before going live in the next couple of weeks. The memory leak symptoms are concerning.

This happens to us all the time. We just close Epicor and re-open. For us it is just when we are designing a configurator for an hour or so clicking between pages and setting up inputs, not necessarily related to the time of day.

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I just meant overall memory usage as a starting point. Say you’re utilizing 10 GB and it drops to 6 after recycling the app pool, then remains there until you start using the configurator designer heavily again - that would be a pretty good indication that there’s something off with the memory utilization in the designer. To @utaylor’s point - is this actually a server problem or did you resolve a client-side problem by forcing a reconnect/recache?

Also, if it’s only in the designer, I don’t know how worried I would be about it really. As long as the configurator sessions themselves aren’t causing issues, you’ll be fine after it’s deployed.

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Thank you both for your perspective on this. It does just seem to be the designer so I agree it is likely not an issue but we want to make sure we don’t run into any memory issues when migrating to Live.