Configurator Designer Text Box - How to wrap text and top left justify?

We’ve got a character comment box the Configurator Designer. How can we get the text to wrap and be top left justified? Thanks!




You might find some wisdom in @josecgomez’s YouTube video:


@Mark_Wonsil - Good find!
@josecgomez - Thanks for making that video 5 years ago. It’s really interesting watching your thought process on how you figure this stuff out.

Any idea why Epicor locks up for 5 minute after every time I type “Infragistics” in the expression editor? It it intellisense, and can I turn it off?

You can do something this

Inputs.myTextBox.Control.Multiline = true;
/* One way to do it */
Inputs.myTextBox.LabelTextHAlign = Infragistics.Win.HAlign.Left; 
Inputs.myTextBox.Control.Appearance.TextVAlign = Infragistics.Win.VAlign.Top;

/* Another method */
Infragistics.Win.Appearance app = new Infragistics.Win.Appearance();
app.TextHAlign = Infragistics.Win.HAlign.Left; 
app.TextVAlign = Infragistics.Win.VAlign.Top;
Inputs.myTextBox.Control.Appearance = app;

I think that I learned from @SAD that the IDE is actually downloading the .dll and then parsing it in order to display auto-complete. It was a nice idea but the implementation is not performant - especially if you’re in the cloud. I would type those out in VSCode and paste them in because typing the ‘.’ is what starts the search.

Mark W.

@askulte - are you using an editor or character control?

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Thanks guys!

@danbedwards - I’ll save that for next time. Thanks!
@Mark_Wonsil - Good idea. Will try that.
@ckrusen - Thanks! I think that may be it, and the super simple solution. Will check if we used Character, and if so, change it to Editor.

Andris “Adding UD Fields and Regenerating the Data Model During Sunday Night Maintenance Window” Skulte