Configurator Document Rules - PartPlant


I had a question about configurator document rules. We currently employ a product configurator in Epicor 10.1.400.13 to create stocked (not non-stock) parts. As a result, we use a document rule to set the Part.NonStock field to false. However, there is another non-stock field in the PartPlant table, and the configurator’s document rules seemingly cannot write to that table.

Does anyone know if there is a way for the configurator to write directly to the PartPlant table? If not, is there a way to cause a BPM to trigger when the configurator completes and then change the PartPlant values of a specific part number? I imagine this would involve sending the configurated part number to a BPM in some form.

I have read through numerous topics in this forum that discuss doing similar things. Some of them use an “On Page Leave” function, which looks promising, but when I try to put similar code in my Configurator Designer page, it gives me errors about being an “unrecognized escape sequence.” The aforementioned topics are from 5+ years ago, so I was hoping for some help coming up with a different, more modern strategy.

Thank you for your time.

Hey Andrew,

I think the problem is that when the Part record gets created, a part plant is created at shortly thereafter through the BO. It’s like trying to update an OrderRel when an order line gets created—contention issues. So I think you might have some issues doing this with configurator, as I do not believe it has direct access to PartPlant at the time the Part record gets created.

It’s unfortunate that setting the nonstock on the part does not carry over to the PartPlant, as that’s what normally happens through the UI. I think you are on the right path with a BPM. Maybe a data directive on the PartPlant table, to look up the nonstock flag on the parent Part record and update the flag on the PartPlant. Or else do a client trace on the activity that creates the part (saving the quote/order line) and see if there is an appropriate method on which to attach a post-processing method directive


Just an outside the box thought … But can you update the Part.QtyBearing field, as that then updates the PartPlant. At least it does when I change QtyBearing in Part Maintenance.

One other thought. Is the Non-Stock flag cleared in the part used as the configurator template? Aren’t most of the created part’s fields set based on the template part’s fields?

I find that you CANNOT set the NON-STOCK “OFF” on the Base Config part number…
However, you CAN
(1) set the NON-STOCK “OFF” on the Site screen for the Base Cong Part Number … and as such - when a part IS created it will retain that setting
(2) set the PART.NONSTOCK = false in the doc rules of the config … and as such the part created will be NON-STOCK “OFF”
(3) and IF created during ORDER ENTRY the MAKE DIRECT flag will be OFF as well

also take care to set “CREATE NON-CONFIG PART” ON in the config record create options


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Thank you all for the replies!

@amaragni I think your solution was the one that solved it for us. We were under the impression that the base configurator part number had to be set to Non Stock in both Part and PartPlant tables. I was able to set the base part number’s PartPlant.NonStock field to false and keep the one on Part set to true. Then, the existing document rule takes care of the one on the Part table, as it always has. This information will undoubtedly lead to more solutions for us, so thank you again.


Thanks for this reply, I just ran in to this situation.
