Connection string for Progress DB


Progress don't provide .NET native client drivers(OLEDB) like you get with SQL 2005/8.

Is there a reason you dont want to go via ODBC? We were using this method for a long time without any issues.


--- In, Doma Reddy <domareddy@...> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Â
> Can we connect Progress DB to .NET without using ODBC, Any help would be Appreciated.
> Â
> Thanks,
> Doma.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Hi All,
Can we connect Progress DB to .NET without using ODBC, Any help would be Appreciated.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Hi Doma,

This is something I wrote in .NET to connect to our Vantage DB and run reports.

Public Function vntData() As DataTable
'Declare the dataset and set the connection string
Dim vntDS As DataSet = New DataSet
Dim DSN As String = "DSN=???;UID=???;HOST=???;PORT=???;DB=???;PWD=???"

'Declare the ODBC connection and open the connection
Dim vnt8 As Odbc.OdbcConnection = New Odbc.OdbcConnection(DSN)

'Declare and build SQL query for use within ODBC connection
Dim vntQuery As String = String.Empty
vntQuery = "SELECT Customer.Name, Customer.Address1, Customer.Address2, Customer.Address3, Customer.City, Customer.State, Customer.Zip FROM PUB.Customer Customer"

'Declare data adapter with SQL query and ODBC connection passed to it
Dim vntAdapter As New Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter(vntQuery, vnt8)

'Fill data adapter with Data Source and Table Name
vntAdapter.Fill(vntDS, "Customer")

'Return Tables from function
Return vntDS.Tables(0)
End Function

You'll need to use Imports System.Data.ODBC in order to run it this way, but you can use other data connection tools instead I'm sure.

I then use this as the data source, in addition to an .RDLC file designed in SSRS, to run the report in a new form. Let me know if you need help or clarification on any of this.


--- In, Doma Reddy <domareddy@...> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Â
> Can we connect Progress DB to .NET without using ODBC, Any help would be Appreciated.
> Â
> Thanks,
> Doma.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]