Conversion Workbench - Mandatory Conversions - Capturing Run Times


I’m trying to capture run times for my test migration of our E9DB to ERP10.1, I was in the middle of running the Mandatory Data Conversions in the Workbench when I was pulled away and had no other choice but to leave it run on it’s own. I wasn’t able to get back to it in time and the server it was running on got rebooted. I believe all of the conversions completed just fine before the reboot but I never got to make note of the date and time that the final Conversion was started/completed.

I got back into the Conversion Workbench to see if I could get an idea of how long each Mandatory Conversion took to run but I don’t see the most recent date of when I actually kicked-off the Mandatory Conversions anywhere in the LastRunOn field (lots of these values are blank which I’m assuming are the ones I’m interested in) for any of the conversions.

I was specifically interested in knowing how long the PCConv905 conversion took to run (because before I was pulled away, it had already been running 5 hours) and just in general how long they ALL took so I have some idea how long my Migration is going to take me when we decide to upgrade our Live database.

Just wondering if anyone has any ideas on how to figure out the total time it takes these Mandatory Data Conversions to run? Are there log files somewhere that I can look at or do I just have to babysit it better? :unamused:


In E10, they show up in the system monitor……

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Do they now… :blush:…well that’s quite helpful to know! Thank you! I’m assuming, just like in E9, the E10 System Monitor gets cleared out after a period of time. It looks like my History Tasks have been cleaned up already so I cannot see the completed Task for the Conversions. If I remember correctly, it is possible now in E10 to increase the time before the System Monitor removes the Tasks, correct? I’ll have to check my notes on that…but that is good to know. I hope I don’t get pulled away for that long again and can see the System Monitor entry next time I run the Mandatory Data Conversions. Appreciate the response!

Hi Heather

If you look in this directory, you should hopefully find the conversion log file:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Epicor Software\Database Manager Extensions\3.1.400\DB Migration


Hi Mark,

I know that this location (tweaked a little cause I’m digging into …\3.1.500\DB Migration) contains the Migration Log file but does it also contain the Mandatory Data Conversions log file(s) say from the PCConv905 conversion? If so, could you please give me some idea of what that file(s) would be named in this DB Migration folder cause I’m not seeing anything? I was wondering where the MDC log files would be located…but if they were all successful I didn’t know if there would be any log files? Figured they’d only get generated upon error.

Thank you!

Did you look at the Ice.CnvProgsLogs table? Not sure if it has it there… but may be worth a Shot

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Great idea! I’ll take a look at that table and update this thread if I find the info that I’m looking for there. Thank you very much!

I looked at the Ice.CnvProgsLog table but it was empty, however, the Ice.CnvProgs table does look like it has the information that I am looking for! :smiley: (And the LastRunOn field isn’t blank in this table for the Mandatory Conversions as I am seeing in the Conversion Workbench.) So if I’m reading the LastRunOn field correctly… :thinking: …I believe the date and time that gets logged here is the COMPLETION date and time of the Conversion. Because what I observed and wrote down as the start time of the PCConv905 conversion is about 5.5 hours before the LastRunOn field date/time stamp. So I think I have the information that I need now! (Hopefully next time I can check the System Monitor right away.) Thank you so much for the suggestion! Really appreciate the help!

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Correct that table is used in E9 and E10