Cost Workbench to adjust Avg Cost

Can the costing work bench update Avg Cost on a part? i just ran it and i did not. only updated STD.

We are Average costing also. From my experience never run the costing update when you average cost. The cost comes in the first time you recieve a job into inventory. If inventory goes to zero the next part in becomes the new average cost. Hope that helped.

I know how the Average cost is captured and averaged. PO receipts or Job Receipts. the problem is we dont do job receipts.

i wanted to use the workbench to roll up cost and let it post to the Avg Cost fields.

Average costs are calculated at the time of receipt to inventory or job receipt to inventory transactions.

If for some reason you need to adjust the average cost you can use the Cost Adjustment screen under Inventory Management/General Operations/Cost Adjustment. Be aware if you have inventory on hand when you adjust the cost it will impact your overall inventory cost

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If you don’t do Job recipts (to Inventory, I assume), then their QOH is always zero. So the Avg Cost will be ignored on future transactions.

If you want to set the cost, do a cost roll-up and then copy the STD cost to the AVG cost (DMT would be the easiest way to do this)

yeah thats what i figured i would have to do.

Or, if you really want an average cost, write a quick little BAQ that looks at the PO Receipts and Job “Receipts” (Shipments, To Stock, To Job, etc.) and display them and calculate the average. The problem with storing the average cost is that you may want to see which transactions are out of normal range (engineering purchase, etc.). Bind this BAQ to your Part Tracker.

Mark W.

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