Costed BOM report doesn't add up

Do any of your assemblies have Costing Lot Sizes that are different than the quantity of the assembly in your BOM and do you use setup times?

The standard cost uses the Costing Lot Size from Part Plant. The Costed BOM (at least the one from Eng. Wkbench - View Costs) uses the quantity on the BOM, with the top level part getting a quantity of one.

--- In, "pklein256" <pklein@...> wrote:
> We're at version 9.04.506C
> --- In, "pklein256" <pklein@> wrote:
> >
> > I've run the Costed BOM report over a part.
> > The extended totals do not add up to the total cost of the part.
> > It looks like it is only including the assemblies, and it is not including the cost of the materials.
> > If I manually add up the lines of the report I get 50.65
> > but the cost of the item shows 48.65.
> > anyone else have this problem? or am I just looking at the report wrong?
> > I need to export a costed BOM (including labor detail) for our auditors.
> >
I've run the Costed BOM report over a part.
The extended totals do not add up to the total cost of the part.
It looks like it is only including the assemblies, and it is not including the cost of the materials.
If I manually add up the lines of the report I get 50.65
but the cost of the item shows 48.65.
anyone else have this problem? or am I just looking at the report wrong?
I need to export a costed BOM (including labor detail) for our auditors.
We're at version 9.04.506C
--- In, "pklein256" <pklein@...> wrote:
> I've run the Costed BOM report over a part.
> The extended totals do not add up to the total cost of the part.
> It looks like it is only including the assemblies, and it is not including the cost of the materials.
> If I manually add up the lines of the report I get 50.65
> but the cost of the item shows 48.65.
> anyone else have this problem? or am I just looking at the report wrong?
> I need to export a costed BOM (including labor detail) for our auditors.