Costing Workbench Question

Does anyone know how to prevent the costing workbench from pulling in methods for a purchase part?
Example : We have a part that used to be mfg. part. It was later converted to purchase part which was cheaper. This part goes into a higher level part. When i load this higher level part in the costing workbench for a cost roll, it brings in all it’s lower level components. However, i noticed that the new purchase part is broken down into components based on it’s BOM, even though it’s coded as purchase part. Is there anyway to prevent the costing workbench from expanding the BOM if the part is purchase?

AL Thomas

@althomas I think you need to select Skip Revision Cost Rollup check box. this will ignore the method for purchased parts.

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It’s already checked in Site Cost Maintenance. I was hoping by checking that, it will not break the BOM down in the costing workbench for purchase part.

When you load the costs, you are pulling from Site Cost ID?

Yes, We only have one site cost id used across 3 plants.

The site cost id will prevent the purchase part from rolling it’s Routing / BOM, but it’s components still break down in the “Purchase tab” of the costing workbench. I do not want to see those purchase components of the “Purchase part” shown in the costing workbench. Because we usually do mass cost rolls yearly and one of the things i look for is to sort the purchase tab by material cost and check for $0 items. I run the where used report on these parts and eliminate them from my list.
But if a purchase component itself is being broken down by it’s BOM, then it’s giving me false information and will eliminate a part to cost roll in error. (i am talking about analyzing over 10k parts).