Create a new inventory transaction type

Hello everyone,

Is it possible to create a new inventory transaction type in Epicor? What I’m talking about is an inventory transaction type, not a GL transaction type. Such as STK-MTK, QTY-ADJ, PUR-STK.
My colleague wants to create a new transaction type, but no matter how much I search, I can’t find such a menu.
Doesn’t Epicor have that feature? If that feature exists, what menu is it?
Thanks in advance!

I don’t think this would be possible. But, I wonder what kind of additional tran type is required?


I thought so too. I don’t know what trans type my colleague wants to be. Maybe, I guess. There are over 50 trans types in Epicor, but I only use a few of them in my Epicor. Among the types that are not in use, there may be a type that meets the needs of colleagues.
We are scheduled to have that meeting in a few days. If a colleague’s needs are not met even with an unused type and a new type is requested, I need to know whether it is possible to create a new type.

However, Epicor allows user to add GL Context type under GL controls, and, can be used to custom Posting Engine rules. You may want to explore more on this.


I will tell you again after accurately understanding the needs of my colleagues. Thanks a lot!